Making a campus wide impact on your student’s math abilities doesn’t have to be complicated. Formative Loop is designed to be flexible and enable your entire school to participate daily with minimal disruption. It’s a great way to rally your school around math!

Your students start by completing a 5-minute practice on paper which is individualized to their current level. Since it is a paper practice, a computer is not necessary for the students. Pencil-paper also provides the students the mechanical practice of number formation and showing their work on paper. Many campuses do this together at the same time after their morning meeting building upon the community focused effort.

You use the Formative Loop website to assess student progress. The system is designed so that anyone on your campus can grade. The classroom teacher, a math specialist, or even other staff can help. This flexibility makes it possible to match a campus wide program to your school’s resources. Students never need to access the Formative Loop website.

After grading, a PDF is generated to print the exercises for the students to work on the following day. Schools that make a campus wide commitment see incredible progress unblocking higher-level problem-solving. This growth is compounded as students participate in the program year-over-year across grade levels.